Do you have a roof leak that keeps coming back to haunt you no matter how many times you have had your roof repaired? If, during the winter months, you have icicles hanging from your roof, then those leaks are likely to be caused by ice dams. Those icicles hanging from the eaves may look beautiful, but they can be an indicator of serious damage being done to your home! Torn gutters, loose shingles, and persistent leaks are only the start. Peeling paint, warped floors, sagging ceilings, and mold & mildew infested insulation are sure to follow. Luckily, there's a fix that can solve your problem completely so you never have to deal with it again.
To understand what an ice dam is, you first need to understand how and why they form. Due to improper ventilation and insulation, heat collects in your attic and warms the roof everywhere except the eaves. The warmed roof melts snow which trickles down and freezes on the cold eaves. Ice continues to accumulate on the eaves, which eventually forms a dam. Melted water backs up behind the ice dam, flowing under the shingles and into your home. And thus, your resulting leak has been created. Now you know how the leak is happening, but how do you fix it? Getting up on your roof to hack away at the ice dam with a shovel, pick or chisel is one way, however this is dangerous for both you and your roof! Besides the obvious danger of slipping and falling, you're also likely to damage your roofing. Salting your roof is also a terrible idea. These are both short-term fixes anyway. The best long-term way to solve any problem is to fix the root cause. Ice dams are caused by improper ventilation and insulation, so that's where you need to start. By properly fixing the problem, you'll live worry-free for decades. Plus, you'll also have a more tightly insulated home, and that means lower home energy costs. Contact Michael's Homes today at 906-401-0575. Our qualified staff will be happy to asses your home and provide a no-obligation quote. Get started today!
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